Cutter Unscented Dry Banner
For families who prefer unscented products, Cutter® Unscented and Cutter® Dry insect repellents provide the effective protection against mosquitoes you need.

Unscented & Dry

Perfect For

Backyard MLP Icons Perfect For 

METHODS: Aerosol • Dry Aerosol • Dry | DEET: 10%
PROTECTION: Lasts Up to 2 Hours | AVAILABLE SIZES: 4oz., 6oz., 11oz.

Unscented for You.

Unpleasant for Mosquitoes.

Cutter® Unscented Insect Repellent provides lasting protection against mosquitoes for the whole family.

Dry Aerosol Formula

The convenient formula goes on dry and stays dry to provide coverage without leaving you oily or greasy.